«There is no such thing as a free lunch!»

If you want something (to be) secure, you have to invest.

Sponsoring of GPGTools

  • Compination is actively participating in the development of GPGTools.

GPGTools has been a long-time sponsoring project that has grown within the last few years. The total bandwidth used by GPGTools (up to 8 TB per Day and rising) was both, a challenge as well as a chance in the beginning since our hosting infrastructure wasn’t up to it four years ago. But with thorough analyze and optimization we have managed to build a highly efficient, small, energy efficient data center providing all the bandwidth needed.

There would have been two different approaches in providing the necessary bandwidth:

  1. «Throw Money at the Problem»-Approach
  2. K.I.S.S. Approach

We opted for the second approach not enlarging our infrastructure but making it more resilient, more efficient and more powerful without having to exchange all the hardware.

It’s small – but it’s highly efficient.

Today, our Data Center runs using multiple, worldwide entry points and multiple Data Links.


Due to several requests we see ourselfs forced to publish the following Statement:

  • GPGTools is NOT produced by Compination GmbH.
  • We are not the authors of GPGTools.
  • The intellectual property of GPGTools is solely with Team GPGTools.
  • We do, however, support the development of GPGTools by providing Server, Storage and bandwidth at no cost for them.
  • GPGTools, for now, is a free software product. However, there are plans to charge a small fee for GPGMail (which is part of GPGTools) in the future. Again: We are not, in any way, financially connected to GPGTools. And we won’t be in the future.
  • The cost of the fee is solely decided by GPGTools Team and is meant for supporting the development of the software itself.
  • GPGTools will be available as Source-Code in the future. You may use the sourcecode and compile the software yourself.

GPGTools has published an open letter giving further information.


Press & Media Coverage

Wikipedia: GPGTools Wiki Page

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gpgtools

Medienwoche Artikel: Link

Spiegel.de, 04.07.2013: Link

Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz in Rheinland-Pfalz (DE): GPGTOOLS

Heise: Heise.de Download & Beschreibung

EFF: Link

Der Deutsche Konsumentenbund verwendet GPGTools: Link

Tages Anzeiger, 31. 1. 2016: Mailen ohne dass die NSA mitliest