Es ist mal wieder soweit: Im Windschatten der Terror-Anschläge von Wien im November diesen Jahres liessen die Geheimdienste in Europa keine Zeit verstreichen um mal wieder die Debatte um Verschlüsselung, respektive die Umgehung derselben für staatliche Dienste, neu anzuschieben.
Wie Heise unter be...
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NextCry – Your encrypted data encrypted again – this time not for good!
Some days ago, NextCloud inc. announced a major security issue with it's Product NextCloud in connection with NGINX and PHP using FastCGI.
Some few days later, BleepingComputer issued this alert, that there is an expoloit in the wild actively encrypting NextCloud Data.
The good news first: We have been lucky again and have not had an issue so far.
Since we update our servers on a regular basis ...
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Bloombergs PR Coup / SuperMicros PR Desaster?!
Am 4. Oktober 2018 hat Bloomberg die Bombe [] platzen lassen:
Man habe, so der Bericht, Quellen und Beweise dafür, dass Supermicro in seinen Servern einen Chip verbaut, (zu den vermeintlichen Gründen hierfür später in dem Artikel mehr), welche es Dritten ermöglicht, Date...
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Meltdown & Spectre – STATUS

As most of you may be aware, Intel (and AMD) do have some nasty bugs design flaws inside their CPUs....
This Page tries to keep you updated on the current status.
Please bear with us if we're a bit late sometimes, but our first and utmost Priority currently is to keep our customers safe.
There is an Update-Section at the end of the page that will be kept up2date as timely as possible.
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